Friday, December 17, 2010

Apple is expecting To Sell Over 4 Million Mac Units

Apple is expecting To Sell Over 4 Million Mac Units
Apple is expecting To Sell Over 4 Million Mac Units
News from apple ,According to the new statistical data released by the research company NPD Group, Apple is like to break their sales record of last year.
For the first time in Apple’s history, the Mac units are expected to sell over 4 million, the totals sales for the fourth quarter are expected to decrease in the range of 4.1 to 4.3 million.
Apple’s new iDevice, the MacBook Air is the key to their record breaking this quarter. Most of the Mac lovers where craving for a smooth laptop, the high demand helped apples with the sales. The figures revealed by NPD, indicated that there is a growth of 22% to 28%.
Furthermore, NPD declared that Apple would sell approximatively 20 million iPod units by the end of the year.

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